The (forgotten) power of habits
In a crisis like this we often forget what kind of powerful resources we all have within us. Reacting on what is going on, consuming (an overload! of) information and facing the risk of listen to all what is coming from external is a given behaviour.
What were the habits we used to have before the lockdown? Are we still following these? Unfortunately and fortunately, most of them not. What I see is, that during the last two months of our Swiss lockdown, habits were partially given up. Talking to my clients, partners, and employees I often hear, that “due to the circumstances, xyz has no room any more…”. Depending on whether it is to give up a bad or good habit – we should take a closer look on what we are leaving behind.
It is said that a new habit needs three weeks to become implemented. I regularly follow this formula if I want to change my behaviour. The last two months’ time means that we would have had the chance to adapt new habits unconsciously and consciously.
Awareness: The landscape of habits
I am a big fan of tools and getting into action. My readers as well as my clients who experience this in our interactions know about it – passive consummation is not what I strive for. Therefore, I would like to ask you to take what you need to become productive (pencil, notebook – no matter if digital or analogue).
Can you identify the change you went through in the last months – regarding your habits – focusing on the following three specific key areas?
- Business
- Private
- Society
As an example, I give you some insights:
Business: no physical meetings (as all of us), a lot of videoconferences, no breaks due to videoconferences, no commuting, etc.
Private: not enough sleep (due to additional responsibilities like becoming the teachers “assistant”…, more cooking (because restaurants are closed), more diners with family, walking the dog more regularly, no sports in the gym, etc.
Society: not meeting my friends, more phone calls around the world, more active on Instagram and Linkedin, etc.
These are just a few “changes of habits” which took place due to the special situation and I am not saying at all, that these changes are only good or bad. Some of them I have the give up as soon as possible.
If you have at least three for each of the above-mentioned areas, you are ready for the next step. Here I assume that if you take your different roles (e.g. investor, board of director, entrepreneur, manager, employee, mom, dad, partner, friend, son, daughter, etc.) into consideration, your individual picture of adapted behaviour will be enriched even more.
In my example, I would no go one step deeper and find the habits in my roles as board member, entrepreneur, partner, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc. And what is most important to me to keep in mind: my function as “role model”. We must understand our responsibility.
“Everybody is a role model for somebody!”
Your “landscape of habits” has now at least three key areas with the perspectives of as many roles you are in – enriched by the habits. What pattern can you identify? I have mine and work on it – promised.
Shape your future for good
By analysing your landscape of habits and identifying the pattern you set the ground – for your compass. Challenging the results of your analysis – for each of your individual role and responsibility – with the two following questions:
- Which of the new habits should survive the crisis modus?
- Which are the ones you would like to leave behind yourself?
By being conscious about the power of your individual habits you are the shaper of your future! Actively. Use this power and start saving these precious tools to adapt – especially in crisis like now.
I am curious about reading your habits which should survive the crisis modus and become an important anchor on your landscape of habits.