There are people in the room poisoning the organisation.

If they are sitting on your C-suite – it will negatively impact the vision but not only that.

By understanding and identifying the red flags of such distracting traits you protect the organisations vision, strategy, and culture. It is worth to do so!


As member of a board – no matter whether it is a management or the non-executive board – whether you have one or two tier boards we have the responsibility.

And exactly here it starts with the different views of what boards are responsible for. The responsibility of protecting supportive behaviour from destroying behaviour.

Especially as a non-executive board member with a larger distance to the operational duties you can add significant value by taking up that part of responsibility and ensure that the team can work towards the vision.

By not identifying the destroying behaviour we put our organisation towards a risk which could torpedo the entire business model by an insider.

There isn’t any organisation who could afford that. But a lot out there think they could not afford the protection either.

You can and it doesn’t cost you anything if you have the right set of people in place. On board level too.


Identifying a mindset within the c-level which is not only supporting the organisations’ purpose and strategy is key to protect the assets and reputation.

That needs a speak-up culture – also within the board where such topics receive the attention needed – personal interests and ego driven agendas have not spot in a board room.

Building a corporate culture of integrity includes the responsibility of protecting and nurturing the right mind set.

It starts with the tone at the top!


Maybe when you next time reflect on your management team – no matter whether you are a supervisory board member or on c-level – the awareness increases when it comes to the different mind-sets you identify.




Thank you for joining me on this episode of THE HUMAN FACTOR – Corporate Integrity Matters.

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Let me know what topic you would like to have on spot – via contact@corporateintegrityconcepts.com

Further information about Corporate Integrity can be found on either www.sonjastirnimann.com or www.coporateintegrityconcepts.com

And if you are interested in becoming part of the amazing movement, join us on www.corporateintegrityacademy.com

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