Is compliance in crises possible? That was the question I have received in Summer 2020 – in the middle of the pandemic.
The question itself made me think. Not the answer, which is cristal clear to me. By answering such a question there are more additional thoughts to be considered than just the isolated question.
All business leaders receive questions they would never have thought about. Until the moment they are asked. And then they suddenly realize: the mindsets are different so are the value systems.
And how can we now ensure that an organization is aware of these potential conflicting mindsets and values systems putting the code of conduct at risk?
Is compliance possible in the crisis? “Why not! Yes and more important than ever”
“Purpose driven Compliance” is indispensable even in times of crisis to protect assets (no matter which are important to you, you name it…)!
The still frowned upon “SPEAK UP” culture uncovers and protects.
Ask yourself and your organisation
How do these three key areas
– Prioritization
– Adaption
– Social control
work together to protect your assets?
Thank you for joining me on this episode of THE HUMAN FACTOR – Corporate Integrity Matters.
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