For some, it is the absolute highlight and for the others a nightmare.  The fact-finding report and especially the writing process. Being aware of some typical pitfalls is crucial – for all the stakeholders. And as always, they have different perspectives and positions to look at it. For an investigator, it is the final product.   Whether you are an investigator or recipient of that report – the discussed pitfalls in this episode will sharpen your view when it comes to the quality of a fact-finding report.


When an organization is in the position that they need a fact-finding report they are already in an extraordinary position.  Having then already heard about it before and knowing what to be expected is highly important.  Otherwise, they cannot act with professional skepticism and judgment.  Most of the time, executives and board members do not yet have huge experience in that field of expertise. From the perspective of an investigator, the report is important too. II do not have to tell you that the perception of the entire investigation is mainly impacted by the fact-finding report at the end.  


Conclusion and opinion about writing a professional fact-finding report are transparent and big fan of not using too many puts on the green destroying the great strokes before. Same for the report.  Bring it home and be proud of it. There isn’t a better compliment from the recipients than praising your delivery.  And also the recipients will highly appreciate a great report as they have to further work with it.  The fact-finding report is often not the end of the process as measurements will be implemented based on the results provided in the report.  With the different pitfalls – or professionally done success factors – we investigated in this episode you are well prepared.  Of course – you need to have the right team and constantly invest in education. As a take-home or take-to-the-office assignment I would like to give the following reflection: 

Do we have covered the following topics when we mandate or conduct an investigation? 

I know – it is better to bring up only three points as it is said that humans are not capable to remember more.  But – having you as listeners I am sure, these four key elements are not too much. The T-R-S-S of Timing, Recipients, Scoping, Structure. 


Thank you for joining me on this episode of THE HUMAN FACTOR – Corporate Integrity Matters.

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