Would you like to learn about how to successfully implementing and managing programs and structures aligning with international standards and frameworks?
Let’s do that together Salah Eddine Mahrach. He is a leading, trusted GRC professional with more than 18years of business experience in banking, financial services, and energy sectors.
He is also one of the founders of the ISACA Moroccan chapter, where he serves as secretary General.
Just a few highlights of our conversation with Salah:
Losing integrity impacts the reputation of the organization and can cause huge damages.
The culture of the organization can be a real pillar preventing any misconducts.
Thank you for joining me on this episode of THE HUMAN FACTOR – Corporate Integrity Matters.
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Further information about Corporate Integrity can be found on www.coporateintegrityconcepts.com And if you are interested in becoming part of the amazing movement, join us on www.corporateintegrityacademy.com