Would you like to learn about the insights and experiences in public procurement law reform, legislation drafting, ethics and compliance advisory activity?

Let’s do that together with Francesca Calise who never looked for a job but always wants to make the difference.

She was and is in legal, a procurement officer in international organizations such as the UN, the EU, the EBRD and others, in different countries and multicultural contexts (e.g., Albania, Kosovo, Haiti, Poland, Lebanon and London).

And Francesca has an advanced degree in international law and is a qualified lawyer.

Just a few highlights of our conversation with Francesca

“I don’t feel like I could ever compromise my integrity.”

“Don’t let people lose trust in what you do.”

“The more you train people to be a “person of integrity” the less risk you face.”


If you would like to learn more about code of conduct, ethical behaviour and compliance, the following episodes might be also of interest:

Episode 003: Is compliance in crises needed?

Episode 008: Common pitfalls for corporates on ethical behaviour.

Episode 010: Why the Code of Conduct is not an alibi.


Thank you for joining me on this episode of THE HUMAN FACTOR – Corporate Integrity Matters. If you enjoyed this episode, please share, subscribe, and review on Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the upcoming episodes.

Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. I am looking forward meeting you there.


Let me know what topic you would like to have on spot– via contact@corporateintegrityconcepts.com

Further information about Corporate Integrity can be found on www.coporateintegrityconcepts.com

And if you are interested in becoming part of the amazing movement, join us www.corporateintegrityacademy.com

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