Sharing Inspiring Insights.

What has to be said needs to be said.
On Stage.
Would you like to raise awareness in your audience for the most relevant topics? Corporate Integrity. Leadership. Digitalisation. Cybersecurity. Social Engineering. Human Behaviour, Reputation.
The promise: Your audience will leave your event by knowing why this matters to them and the first indicators what action could be taken.
From “so what” – to “now what”.

What has to be said needs to be said.
On Stage.
Would you like to raise awareness in your audience for the most relevant topics? Corporate Integrity. Leadership. Digitalisation. Cybersecurity. Social Engineering. Human Behaviour, Reputation.
The promise: Your audience will leave your event by knowing why this matters to them and the first indicators what action could be taken.
From “so what” – to “now what”.
What has to be said needs to be said.
on Stage.
Would you like to raise awareness in your audience for the most relevant topics? Corporate Integrity. Leadership. Digitalisation. Cybersecurity. Social Engineering. Human Behaviour, Reputation.
The promise: Your audience will leave your event by knowing why this matters to them and the first indicators what action could be taken.
From “so what” – to “now what”.

the perfect match
The target group.
your audience.
The Decision Makers.
Exactly knowing that the final decision – no matter in which area, industry, country, space, hierarchy level – will be made by them, will raise the awareness for the key success factors outlined. Fast thinkers are definitively in the right spot here.
The People in Charge.
The responsibility is clear. These people are in charge and have the power to fill the identified gap with inputs heard during the speech. Actions can immediately be taken after the impulse. Practically. As everything Sonja delivers.
The Adapters.
And maybe this group of the audience will be the ones driving the future. By knowing – or not yet knowing – that their skill to adapt will be key to their live, success and wealth they will get a lot of food for thoughts in Sonjas’ talks.
the perfect match
The target group.
your audience.
The Decision Makers.
Exactly knowing that the final decision – no matter in which area, industry, country, space, hierarchy level – will be made by them, will raise the awareness for the key success factors outlined. Fast thinkers are definitively in the right spot here.
The People in Charge.
The responsibility is clear. These people are in charge and have the power to fill the identified gap with inputs heard during the speech. Actions can immediately be taken after the impulse. Practically. As everything Sonja delivers.
The Adapters.
And maybe this group of the audience will be the ones driving the future. By knowing – or not yet knowing – that their skill to adapt will be key to their live, success and wealth they will get a lot of food for thoughts in Sonjas’ talks.
Knowledge and Inspiration - The Different Formats.
Let’s raise interest in your program by a fascinating key note speech from Sonja including stories and case studies from her experience.
Elaborating one of the most relevant topics like integrity, culture, leadership in combination with cyber, crime and responsibility?
Panel Discussion
Sonja also supports and enriches your panel discussion with her opinion, expertise and perspective in groups of other experts.
Knowledge and Inspiration - The Different Formats.
Let’s raise interest in your program by a fascinating key note speech from Sonja including stories and case studies from her experience.
Elaborating one of the most relevant topics like integrity, culture, leadership in combination with cyber, crime and responsibility?
Panel Discussion
Sonja also supports and enriches your panel discussion with her opinion, expertise and perspective in groups of other experts.
What she is talking about.
Leadership. Human Behaviour. Technology. In territory cyber or analogue. It is all about your audience.
Digital. & Security.
Digitalisation – Responsibility and strategy for Boards.
Cyber-Security the untechnical approach: Social Engineering – Hacking without a Code.
Riskmanagement Creativity: Thinking Like a Fraudster
Reputation. & Crisis.
Reputation Matters: The good reputation – more filigree than ever – more than just a lifebelt in times of crisis.
Crisis: Success Factor No. 1 – Ability to Act. Are you using your strategic competitive advantage?
Integrity. & Culture.
Corporate Integrity Matters.
(Risk)Success factor human – in the age of digitalisation.
New technologies – new risks.
Integrity is not a crime, Leaders! Role Models form culture and behaviour.
When Babyboomers do not rock’n’roll while GenX is negoating with GenW which is already old compared to GenZ.
What she is talking about.
Leadership. Human Behaviour. Technology. In territory cyber or analogue. It is all about your audience.
Digital. & Security.
Digitalisation – Responsibility and strategy for Boards.
Cyber-Security the untechnical approach: Social Engineering – Hacking without a Code.
Riskmanagement Creativity: Thinking Like a Fraudster
Reputation. & Crisis.
Reputation Matters: The good reputation – more filigree than ever – more than just a lifebelt in times of crisis.
Crisis: Success Factor No. 1 – Ability to Act. Are you using your strategic competitive advantage?
Integrity. & Culture.
Corporate Integrity Matters.
(Risk)Success factor human – in the age of digitalisation.
New technologies – new risks.
Integrity is not a crime, Leaders! Role Models form culture and behaviour.
When Babyboomers do not rock’n’roll while GenX is negoating with GenW which is already old compared to GenZ.
people attending her Events work for these companies (excerpt only).
Aargauische Kantonalbank
ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
Abilene Advisors
Acribia AG
Acton Treuhand AG
addResults Unternehmensberatung
Adolf Würth GmbH&Co.KG
AEK Bank 1826
Aldeba Treuhand und Revisions AG
Allianz Suisse Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
Alpiq AG
AMAG Automobil- und Motoren AG
ambralaw Advokatur und Notariat
AOK Baden-Württemberg
Aon Risk Solutions
AOT Trading AG
ARCO Treuhand AG
Ariaudit SA
Athos Family & Business Services (Switzerland) AG
Audemars Piguet (Marketing) SA
Audit Research Center
Audita Revisions-Aktiengesellschaft
Autodesk Development Sarl
Avaloq Sourcing (Switzerland & Liechtenstei) AG
AVUS International Srl
AXA Versicherungen AG
B plus E Beratung plus Entwicklung
BAAR (Romanian Motor Insurance Bureau)
Balmer-Etienne AG
Baloise Bank SoBa
Bâloise Holding AG
Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino
Bank Frick & Co. AG
Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd.
Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG
Bank Vontobel AG
Banque Cantonale de Fribourg
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Barry Callebaut AG
Baumgartner & Wüst GmbH
Berner Kantonalbank
Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA
Bezirksgericht Höfe
Bezirksgericht Lenzburg
BHF-BANK (Schweiz) AG
Bilfinger SE
BKW Energie AG
BMW Bank GmbH
BNP Paribas Cardif
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
Brainloop Switzerland AG
Bravest AG
Bühler AG
Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA
Bundesdruckerei GmbH
Bundesverband für Verkehr BAV Bern
Business Keeper AG
Business Solutions Europa
BuyIn GmbH
Caminada Treuhand AG Zürich
Careal Holding AG
Carl F. Bucherer
Casinos Austria AG
Catalent Pharma Solutions GmbH Rechtsdienst / Legal Department
Cembra Money Bank AG
CICB Center of International Competence AG
Cisco Systems
Clientis AG Compliance
Coaching Center Berlin
Commerzbank AG
Contrôle cantonal des finances, l’Etat de Neuchâtel
Coop Genossenschaft
Cornèr Banca SA
Cour des comptes
Coutts & Co Ltd., Zürich
Credit Suisse AG
Credor AG Zürich
Cremo S.A.
CSS Versicherung
Danone S.A.
De Sede
Deloitte AG
Département des finances et de l’énergie
Deutsche Bahn AG
Deutsche Telekom AG
Die Mobiliar
Die Schweizerische Post AG
DMC Data Management Consulting GmbH
Doka GmbH
dormakaba International Holding GmbH
Dr. Röthlisberger AG
ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. & Co. KG
Eidg. Revisionsaufsichtsbehörde
Eidg. Steuerverwaltung
Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA
Emerson Process Management Europe GmbH
Endress + Hauser Management AG
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOC
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Ernst Basler + Partner AG
esm Revision & Rechnungswesen
Etat de Genève
Europart Holding GmbH
ewl energie wasser luzern
F. Hoffmann – La Roche AG
FBB Frischbeton + Baustoff AG
Fédération Internationale de Football Association
Festo AG & Co. KG
Fidinter Treuhand AG
Fiduco Treuhandgesellschaft für Industrie und Handel AG
Figeas SA
Finanzdepartement Kanton Schwyz
Finanzkontrolle der Stadt Zürich
Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Basel-Landschaft
Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Solothurn
Finanzkontrolle des Kantons St. Gallen
Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Thurgau
Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Zürich
Finanzkontrolle Uri
Finanzkontrolle Winterthur
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Flughafen München GmbH
Flying CFO
Fraport AG
Fritz Schiess AG
Fuchs Petrolub SE
Gard As
GEA Group AG
Gebrüder Weiss Holding AG
Gemeinde GmbH
Gemeindeverwaltung Münchenstein
Generali Osiguranje Srbija
Gerresheimer AG
Gesellschaft für Dienste im Alter mbH (GDA)
Gessner Services AG
Gewerbe-Treuhand AG
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH
Glarner Kantonalbank
Global Workplace Solutions
Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton Advisory AG
Graubündner Kantonalbank
Greenval Insurance
Gresch & Schwab Rechtsanwalte
Groupe Mutuel
Gruber Partner AG
GSM Hamburg
Hannover Rück SE
Heinz Hänggi Stanztechnik
Helvetia Versicherungen
HES-SO Valais/Wallis
HETA Asset Resolution AG
Hilti AG
Holcim (Schweiz) AG
Hôpital du Valais
Hôpital du Valais (RSV)
Horner Translations GmbH
HTWG Konstanz
HütteLAW AG Advokatur & Notariat
IB Fritschi TCT
If (P&C) Insurance
Infineon Technologies AG
Ingosstrakh Insurance Company
Insel Gruppe AG
Inspection des finances du Canton du Valais
Intereurope AG European Law Service
Interlaken Tourismus
Interne Revision EDA
ista International GmbH
Ivoclar Vivadent AG
Jakob Kowner AG
Job Factory Basel AG
Jurasolutions Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Berlin
Kantonale Finanzkontrolle Solothurn
Kantonpolizei St. Gallen
Keel + Partner AG
Kennametal Shared Services GmbH
Kistler Instrumente AG
KPMG Switzerland
Kraftverkehr Nagel GmbH & Co. KG
Krones AG
Kühne + Nagel International AG
Law Office “Kovalev Tugushi & Partners”
Leader’s Solutions AG
Legaudit AG
LGT Bank (Österreich) AG
Liechtensteinische Landesbank Group financial Crimes
Limbic Personality GmbH
Linguistenverband Deutschland e.V.
Lonza Group AG
Luzerner Kantonalbank AG
Magnea AG MZM Design GmbH
MARKANT Handels-und Industriewaren Vermittlungs AG
Mattig-Suter und Partner Schwyz
Maus Frères SA
mBank S.A.
McKinsey & Company Switzerland
Meng und Partner Revisions AG
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Schweiz AG
Merck KGaA
MS Amlin
MS Global AG
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
Nationale Anti Doping Agentur
Neoperi International AG
Nesta GmbH
Nestlé Deutschland AG
Odgers Berndtson
Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Oettinger Davidoff AG
Ogilvy & Mather AG
Omya Management AG
OPES Treuhand AG
Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht
Otto GmbH & Co. KG
own-it gmbh
Pensionskasse Energie PKE
Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG
Pius Bienz Treuhand- und Revisions-AG
PKB Privatbank SA
PKE Vorsorgestiftung Energie
PKF Certifica SA
PM Care Systems AG
PostFinance AG
Pouvoir Judiciaire
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Prime Insurance
Private Selection Service AG
PSA Bank Deutschland GmbH
Puma Energy
Raiffeisen Schweiz
Rebex AG
Reed Smith LLP
Rehau GmbH
Reoplan Treuhand AG
Revisia AG
Revitreu AG
RMB Group AG
Robert Bosch GmbH
Roche Diagnostics International Ltd
Rödl & Partner AG
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AG
Santschi & Partner Treuhand AG
Schellenberg Wittmer AG
Scherrer Metec AG
Schwarz & Partner Finanzkonsulenten AG
Schweizerische Mobiliar Holding AG
Schweiz. Depeschenagentur AG
Schweizer Berghilfe
Schweizerische Bundesbahn SBB AG
Schweizerische Mobiliar Holding AG
Schweizerische Nationalbank
Schweizerisches Tropen- und Public Health-Institut (Swiss TPH)
SCOR Services Switzerland AG
Scuola universitaria professionale Svizzera italia
Seesam Insurance as Lithuanian Branch
SH Management
Sicherheitsdirektion des Kantons Zürich
Siemens AG
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Siemens Wind Power GmbH & Co. KG
Sigvaris Holding AG
Sika AG
SIX Group AG
SMS Shop-Management-Services GmbH
Solidis Revisions AG
Sompo Japan Sigorta a.ş.
SOS Children’s Villages International
Staatsanwaltschaft Basel-Landschaft
Staatsanwaltschaft des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Staatsanwaltschaft des Kantons Bern
Staatsanwaltschaft Luzern
Stadt St. Gallen Finanzkontrolle
Steiner und Pfaffen Treuhand AG
Streichenberg Rechtsanwälte
Sunrise Communication
Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt SUVA
Swedbank P&C Insurance
Swiss Cross Foundation
swiss international advisory group ag
Swiss Life AG
Swiss Re
Swiss Re Management Ltd
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG
Swisscross Foundation
Switzerland Global Enterprises Zürich
Talanx AG
The Boston Consulting Group AG (Switzerland)
Thomas Sabo GmbH
Thür & Co. AG, Federnfabrik
thv AG
Truvag Revisions AG
Union Bancaire Privée
Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Universität Zürich
Université de Genève
University Collague London
University Duisburg-Essen
Vaiflora Holding AG
Van Ameyde International
vanSaan Enterprises
Vaudoise Assurances Holding SA
Verisk Insurance Solutions
Visana Services AG
Volksbank Wien AG
Von Graffenried AG Treuhand
VP Bank AG
Wacker Neuson SE
WashTec AG
Weber Gähwiler Revisions AG
Werte Allianz
Winterberg Consulting
Wirtschafts-Treuhand AG
Wolters Kluwer
Wyser Consult GmbH
Zehnder Group International AG
Zentralschweizer BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht (ZBSA)
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Zürcher Kantonalbank
Zurich Insurance
Zürich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
ZZ Vermögensberatung (Schweiz) AG