Showing people their strengths.


your best self

it is all about you.

There is no sports team in the world without a coach. only the business world seems to be able to do it without. Not real leaders!

Striving for personal growth, health, success, satisfaction, life balance – I trust that work is an essential part of our life!

My goal: your success and growth! That’s what I strive for and it is great to see my clients achieving their visions.

grow by leaving the comfort zone

You Master challenges.

The Negotiation.

For about two decades I am a trained business mediator and negotiator for critical situations – supporting parties finding win-win solutions. The specific combination of Governance, Risk, Finance, Compliance with Communication allows me to be a partner with profound expertise in different areas.

The Dilemma.

As a decision maker and person in charge you face dilemma situations. No matter whether you are a Board Member, CEO, CFO or CRO. Situations against your own integrity, your values. How are you reflecting on these situations and making sure, your values are treated in the way you deserve it?

The Stereotype.

Stereotypes are strong. Sometimes stronger than ever expected. Culture, Gender, Introverts, Extroverts – the list can go on for a long. As an Executive you face them. Playing your game savvy based on a value driven approach support your personal career and its definition of it.

you decide on how to go on

Sparring Partner.



Your and your development is on focus. Depending on your goals the 1:1 Coaching is set up. Only a few spots are available each year.



With this format you are developing specific topics in small groups. Groups are established twice a year on an application basis.



The community is built on trusted personalities living and supporting the idea of Corporate Integrity Matters as Ambassadors. 

you decide on how to go on

Sparring Partner.



Your and your development is on focus. Depending on your goals the 1:1 Coaching is set up. Only a few spots are available each year.



With this format you are developing specific topics in small groups. Groups are established twice a year on an application basis.



The community is built on trusted personalities living and supporting the idea of Corporate Integrity Matters as Ambassadors. 

Achieve the next level

Use cases.

Leaders with integrity are my clients. The indepedent external view provide descreet valuable insights for leaders and allow them to grow into their next level.

Why they work with me? Because they want to reach their individual next success level by integrating their values.


From being a boss to real leadership.

Discovering additional potential in yourself, your team and your business partners by being challenged externally.

I have never seen a successful athlete without a coach.


You can always fight for being right. But do you want to?

It is not about finding a compromise but a win-win solution from which all parties can have an advantage.

Saving money, energy and reputation.


Meetings are more effective and efficient by being moderated.

Especially when it comes to strategic relevant discussions.

As a Board of Directors or Management Board you do not want to be moderated internally. 


Giving back and growing into the future.

Over the last decades I was priviledged to became the mentor of great mentees.

It is a pleasure to see them growing into their visions & goals.