Risk Corona – panic or strategic prudence?

internet security and data protection concept, blockchain and cybersecurity
It can go that fast. Suddenly the view of something is different than a few weeks ago. An issue that has now reached everyone in Switzerland at the latest: the danger of infection with the corona virus Covid-19. What does this risk mean? Is it really „only“ about the infection? Not at all!

It can go that fast. Suddenly the view of something is different than a few weeks ago. An issue that has now reached everyone in Switzerland at the latest: the danger of infection with the corona virus Covid-19. What does this risk mean? Is it really “only” about the infection? Not at all! In order to approach the issue with the necessary distance, I ask myself: which areas of our fields of action could be affected and how? And what are the respective risks involved. The risk map definitely looks more complex.


A strategic tool: “Personal Risk Area Identifier”

We have developed a graphic for our customers – and for us internally – that supports this thinking process and allows us to take a meta-level. You can see this division into private and business areas and their subcategories. Of course, it can be extended as desired.

The aim of the “Personal Risk Area Identifier” is the individual identification of personal risk areas. This will be different for everyone. It is a question of perspective and assessment of the situation. You will be able to consciously decide for yourself whether to panic or react with strategic prudence. Experience shows that panic reduces the ability to act massively. We recommend strategic prudence to maintain your ability to act. This is the only way to limit the collateral damage of this phase and keep your focus.

Use your analytical skills and discuss them with the parties involved. Everyone will be able to contribute with a different valuable perspective.


Practical application risk of COVID-19

As a starting point for working with the “Personal Risk Area Identifier”, we use the following questions for each of the individual risk areas:

  • What’s on the short term? For example travel, imports, exports, training, events, meetings?
  • What are the currently greatest possible dangers derived from the previous question?
  • Which scenarios are there to mitigate the dangers?
  • By when must the alternatives be effective (deadline)?

We are actively involved in developing scenarios for our clients – derived from the impact of the risk on the respective companies, the individual teams on the projects and the individual situation of the employees. The view of the big picture put into perspective!

The results from the first questions flow into the action plan for the derivation of the individual responsibilities.


Actionability is key

Several of our clients have adapted the outcome for their decision-making process. Like re-scheduled the internal audits based on the “Personal Risk Area Identifier”, thus mitigating team, company and personal risks. For the protection of all parties involved.

Of course, also remote work is high on the agenda with everyone we talk to. Some of them already because of the existing business model, which now does not need to be adapted additionally, but is part of the corporate culture. Still others are trying hard and hard to get the right hardware and software. Which of course puts additional pressure on those responsible. A shift in how they were used to work to how it could be in the future for a lot of employees. Faster than ever expected.


The event – the crisis – today corona – tomorrow something else?

Very well equipped are our customers, who in the past months have already thought about how to prepare for events by sensitizing themselves and the crew. No, they did not prepare themselves for incident like COVID-19 but for other incidents harming their most vulnerable assets. This preparation phase now helps them to maintain strategic prudence and let them find tactical solutions in dealing with the current situation. Even if they have prepared with us for the topics of non-compliance, economic and cybercrime – the knowledge of how to act in the event of an incident allows them to act calmly.

How do you assess your identified risk areas and deal with them?


Sonja Stirnimann

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